Results for query calls
a visit by a VEHICLE to a specific STOP POINT as it follows the JOURNEY PATTERN of its VEHICLE JOURNEY to achieve a set of planned and estimated PASSING TIMEs
NOTE A VEHICLE may make more than one Call to the same stop in the course of a JOURNEY: different calls may typically be distinguished by a Visit Number count. The Call may have real time data associated with it. A SIRI Call may be regarded as a useful optimisation of a more normalised set of structures that are articulated separately in TransModel. Call combines the TransModel elements of POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN in with ESTIMATED PASSING TIME, OBSERVED PASSING TIME, & TARGET PASSING TIME, along with real time elements and other stop properties pertaining to the visit.
NOTE That SIRI segregates all elements pertaining to arrival from those pertaining to departure, again facilitating the validation and implementation of actual systems.